Author: Nate Jones

Hot Seat #156: 6 yo with cough

Nate Jones, MD with Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH Date: September 10, 2020 CC: Referred in by pediatrician for likely asthma exacerbation HPI: Patient is a 6 year old F with h/o asthma and eczema who is referred into the ED by his pediatrician with complaints of fever, cough, myalgias and trouble breathing. The patient presents […]

Hot Seat #148: 4mo with hyperkalemia

Nate Jones, MD Children’s National Medical Center CC: Elevated potassium HPI: Patient is a 4 mo ex-34-week female with a complex medical history including ARPKD requiring daily peritoneal dialysis, congenital hypothyroidism, and GT dependence who is referred hyperkalemia. Per mother, the family recently moved from another state and is in the process of transferring care. […]

Hot Seat #136: 24 yo M with AMS and hypoxia

Nate Jones, MD, Children’s National Medical Center with Alex Rucker, MD, Children’s National Medical Center CC: AMS/hypoxia HPI: Patient is a 24 yo M with recurrent progressive posterior fossa pilocystic astrocytoma with VPS who presented to the ED as a code blue from the Oncology clinic. Patient was seen earlier for scheduled monthly carboplatin. During […]

Hot Seat Case #133: 22mo M with knee pain

Nate Jones, MD Children’s National Medical Center HPI: Patient is a 22 month old male who presents with concerns of knee pain. Per mother, patient has had episodes of intermitted knee pain over the past 5 months. The knee pain appears to be isolated to the left knee and is associated with inability to bear […]