Author: Mary Beth Howard

Hot Seat #161: 3mo with poor feeding

Nicole Barbera, MD Inova Children’s Hospital CC: Poor feeding, sleepy HPI: 3 month old previously healthy male who presents to the ER with 2 days fussiness followed by increased sleepiness and poor feeding starting the night prior.  No fever.  He had 2 episodes of non-bloody nonbilious emesis.  No changes in voiding or stooling.  No cough […]

Hot Seat #159: Denouement

The Case: 11yo F presenting after an episode of altered mental status at home with normal exam but abnormal CT head. Here’s how you answered the questions: Discussion: The initial dilemma in this case lies in the fact that the patient had a concerning episode at home and then arrives asymptomatic with a normal exam. […]

Hot Seat #159: 11 yo F with altered mental status

Jonathan Lee, MD, Inova Fairfax Children’s Hospital  HPI: 11 year old female with medical history significant for headaches and anxiety, presenting with concerns for brief alteration in mental status. Two hours prior to presentation, Patient finished watching a movie with her family and was told to get ready for bed. Per Mother, patient did not […]

Hot Seat #157: Denouement

The Case: A 10 day old with elbow swelling, found to have a septic joint. Here’s how you answered the questions: Discussion: This case highlights the challenging dilemma of infants with focal source of infection and how much of a work up is needed. Bone and joint infections in neonates is rare so it is […]

Hot Seat #157: 10 day old with elbow swelling

CC: 10 day old girl with elbow swelling HPI: 10 day old ex FT girl presenting with left elbow swelling and decreased movement of left arm. Parents report that in the middle of the night, they noticed she was not moving her left arm the same way she was her right. Waking every 1-3 hours […]